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Winston Churchill became British Prime Minister, replacing Neville Chamberlain

Winston Churchill became British Prime Minister, replacing Neville Chamberlain featured image - LankaTricks

Date : 1940-May-10

Country/Region : England (United Kingdom)

Description :

In the year 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. But, in September 1939, that peace was shattered due to Hitler’s invasion of Poland. Then, Chamberlain declared war against Germany. However, British forces failed to prevent the German occupation of Norway in April 1940. As a result of that, Chamberlain lost the support of many members of his Conservative Party. After, Chamberlain formally lost the confidence of the House of Commons, because Hitler invaded Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and France. 

Neville Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister, after losing a confidence vote in the House of Commons. Later, Winston Churchill became British Prime Minister, replacing Neville Chamberlain on May 10th, 1940. Winston Churchill was the first Lord of the Admiralty. Also, Churchill was renowned for his military leadership.

Churchill formed a national government. He oversaw British involvement in the Allied war effort against the Axis powers. As a result of that, the Allied could obtain victory in the year 1945 from World War II.  After the defeat of the Conservatives in the 1945 general election, he became Leader of the Opposition. Also, he promoted European unity.

In the year 1951, Churchill returned as British Prime Minister. He focused on foreign affairs, especially Anglo-American relations and the preservation of the British Empire during his second term. Churchill resigned as Prime Minister in the year 1955 due to declining health. As a writer, Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year 1953 for his historical and biographical work.

Category : Politics

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