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WHO officially announced it will categorize gaming addiction as a mental health condition

Date : 2018-June-18

Country/Region : Unspecified

Description :

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized gaming addiction as a serious health issue that requires attention and treatment. Hence, WHO announced that it will classify gaming addiction as a mental health condition in its upcoming revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) on June 18, 2018. According to that, it was included in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). The ICD is a globally accepted and authoritative tool used by healthcare professionals and policymakers to diagnose and classify health conditions.

The classification of gaming addiction as a mental health condition may lead to increased awareness of the issue and prompt healthcare providers to screen and diagnose. Gaming addiction means a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior that gives priority over other life interests and daily activities. This type of behavior can lead to significant impairments in the social, academic, or occupational functioning of a person.

Category : Health

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