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International Day of Education

International Day of Education

Date : 24th January

Description :

International Day of Education is an annual celebration day held on 24th January. This international day is dedicated to education, due to education is a human right and a public responsibility. On December 3rd, 2018, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24th January as the International Day of Education to celebrate the role of education in global peace and development. The first International Day of Education was celebrated on January 24th, 2019. 

Countries around the world cannot succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty without equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all children, youth, and adults. 258 million children and adolescents around the world still do not attend schools for their education. Unfortunately, their right to education is violated and it is an unacceptable thing. The right to education is affirmed by article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration is called for free and compulsory elementary education. Also, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is mentioned that countries need to arrange higher education accessible for all.  Further, the international community recognized that education is essential for the success of all 17 Sustainable Development goals when adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015.

Education is a ladder to release from poverty. It is a path to a bright future also. Therefore, the International Day of Education is provided awareness about the importance of education to global communities.

Category : Social

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