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International Day of Argania (Argan Tree)

International Day of Argania (Argan Tree)

Date : 10th May

Description :

The Argan tree (Argania Spinosa) is an endemic tree in Morocco. It is widely recognized for its multipurpose such as health care, gastronomy, and cosmetics. On March 3rd, 2021 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed May 10th as the International Day of Argan Tree from the resolution 75-262. This resolution was submitted by Morocco. It was co-sponsored by 113 member states of the United Nations and adopted by consensus.

The Argan trees grow in arid and semiarid areas. They are a native species of the sub-Saharan region of Morocco, in the southwest of the country. These trees are resilient to a harsh environment under water scarcity, risk of erosion, and poor soils and they are a true bastion against desertification.  Also, these trees can reach 10 meters in height and can live for 200 years. The Argan trees provide forest products, fruits, and fodder. Also, it constitutes a vital fodder reserve for all herds, even in periods of drought.

Considering the history of the International Day of Argan Tree, various entities of the United Nations has given recognition and protection to the region of Argan trees, because of its' valuable cultural heritage, resilient ecosystems, and agricultural biodiversity. In 2014, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity has inscribed all knowledge concerning the Argan tree. Also, in 1988, UNESCO designated the endemic production area as the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve. Further, in 2018, the Argan-based agro-sylvo-pastoral system within the area of Ait Souab - Ait Mansour in Morocco as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System was recognized by FAO. Then, in the year 2021, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed May 10th as the International Day of Argan Tree.

Category : Environment

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