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Innovation of the steam locomotive (engine)

Innovation of the steam locomotive (engine) featured image - LankaTricks

Date : 1814-July-25

Country/Region : England (United Kingdom)

Description :

In 1814, George Stephenson invented the first locomotive to indicate his honor for the Prussian General. This is called Blucher, and it could haul eight wagons with thirty tons of coal at a speed of four miles per hour. Further, he quickly improved the steam system of the engine to provide it with greater pulling power. This was the first fully practical steam railway locomotive.

In 1825, the world’s first public passenger steam locomotive was invented and carried 450 passengers from Darlington to Stockton at 15 miles per hour. Later it was called Locomotion. George Stephenson invented a new locomotive with his son Robert Stephenson, which could achieve a speed of 36 miles per hour. It was called Rocket and operated on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in Lancashire in 1830.   

Category : Innovation

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