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SLAS Exam Guide Tutorial - Lesson 01 Part 01

Published 7 years ago by LankaTricks
SLAS Exam Guide Tutorial - Lesson 01 Part 01

This is the SLAS (Sri Lanka Administrative Service) Exam tutorials Which were published in this Dinamini Sri Lankan newspaper. and There are Thousands of people enter to Sri Lanka Administrative Service by referring these tutorials. and Sri Lanka Administrative Service Open Competitive Exam tutorials Which were published in this Dinamina Sri Lankan newspaper over several years. Also there are thousands of students entered into Sri Lanka Administrative Service Open Competitive exam by referring to these SLAS tutorials and lessons. The complete syllabus cover all syllabus of the SLAS Exam and the SLAS Exam consists of five question papers and the areas as follows.

  • Samanya Buddhiya
  • Samanya Danima
  • Rachanay ha Saransha
  • Kalamanakaran Abiyougathawa

This is Lesson 1 Part 1 of the SLAS Exam Guide tutorial published in Dinamina Newspaper and the Author of this lesson series is Anusha Gukula Pernando.

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SLAS Exam Guide Tutorial - Lesson 01 Part 01

Sri Lanka Administrative Service Exam (SLAS) is one of the most recognized government exams in Sri Lanka. People who successfully do this exam are eligible to enroll in Sri Lanka administrative positions and The applicant needs to obtain a recognized degree from the University Grant Commission (UGC) to sit for this exam. Those who are willing to write Sri Lanka Administrative Service Exam can apply and write only two times for these exams.

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