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HTML Lesson 01 – Coding with HTML

Published 4 years ago by LankaTricks
HTML Lesson 01 – Coding with HTML

This is the first HTML lesson of LankaTricks HTML tutorials. Here, Gives a simple introduction to html web development and the same basics of coding with HTML. That will be helpful for every web development beginner. Let us now turn to the lesson.

What is this HTML?

Do you think that many of the websites we visit on the Internet can be built using Word Processing software?

However, there are problems arise when establishing such websites on the Internet. Like you tried to open an article in MS Word with Notepad.

Due to these issues, the Internet required a standardized standard for articles that were linked to the Internet.

Then, It can then be read quickly by web browsers because of using a common method. The organization W3C is responsible for this.

The common standard language used for these purposes is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).

Another important thing is that this language is not a programming language but a markup language. As a result, these web pages are created using markup tags.

These tags simply tell the web browser what the content of the web page should look like. Although there are software we can use to create a document in HTML. But, I used Notepad for this tutorial. Because, when you code in Notepad, you have to write all the code manually, so your knowledge of HTML tags will be enhanced.

Below we will learn about some of the HTML tags properties.

  • An HTML tag is made up of a keyword rounded by these angle brackets <…>.
  • HTML tags are usually in pairs. Eg: < html > and < / html >
  • <…> for this type of tag we call the opening tag.
  • < / …> for this type of tag we call the closing tag.

Now you may think that why we have these HTML tags?

When designing HTML document, We must explain all of our parts shown to the reader’s web browser. This task can accomplish with HTML tags.

However, Most HTML tags on every web browser read the same way, but some tags may not.

I hope you have a little understanding of HTML tags now. When coding HTML, The usual way is to write the content . There are same occasion which can be change this way. We will talk about them in the right places, Now just remember it.

Basics to Know about Coding HTML

First, we need to tell the web browser to our written code is HTML. <html> tag is used for that purpose. When you open a tag you want to close it using the </html>.


Usually write HTML tags in simple letters. It’s standard. So, There is nothing wrong with using capital letters.

Everything we code in HTML should be written between the two tags of <html> and </html>.

HTML page can mainly split into two section. These are..

  • Head section
  • Body section

Often, we can see title only in head section. <title> and </title> tags use for the showing title. We can learn more about the other tags used in the head section in future lessons.

     <title>My First Web Page</title>

The body section is where we code the content of the web page.

     <title>My First Web Page</title>

     <p>First Web page body paragraph.</p>

This pair of <p> tags is used for making paragraph.

Now see how to save this coded file. Click File –> Save in Notepad. Then save as dialog box will look like this.

Change the Save as type property to All Files in save as dialog box. Then, add the file name where you want to add and put .html as file extension.

Now, click the Save button and save the file. then, The saved file will look like this for you.

Now open saved file by double clicking on it. Then, That HTML file open your web browser and it look like this.

Now you have successfully made the first attempt. Very easy, right?

Let’s meet again with a lesson.

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